Wischnewsky, Manfred B. A lifting theorem for right adjoints. (English) Zbl 0409.18003 Cah. Topol. Géom. Différ. 19, 155-168 (1978). Page: −5 −4 −3 −2 −1 ±0 +1 +2 +3 +4 +5 Show Scanned Page Cited in 8 Documents MSC: 18A40 Adjoint functors (universal constructions, reflective subcategories, Kan extensions, etc.) 18A32 Factorization systems, substructures, quotient structures, congruences, amalgams 18B30 Categories of topological spaces and continuous mappings (MSC2010) Keywords:Commutative Square of Functors; Adjointness; Monadic Functors; Lifting; Topologically-Algebraic Functors; (E,M)-Cosemifactorizable Functors Citations:Zbl 0172.021; Zbl 0315.18004; Zbl 0302.18004; Zbl 0215.515; Zbl 0388.18006; Zbl 0288.54003; Zbl 0374.18002; Zbl 0309.18004; Zbl 0204.336 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: Numdam EuDML References: [1] 1 B Astiani , A. , Ehresmann , C. , Categories of sketched structures , Cahiers Topo. et Géo. Diff. XIII - 2 ( 1972 ), 105 - 214 . Numdam | MR 323856 | Zbl 0263.18009 · Zbl 0263.18009 [2] 2 Brummer , G. , Topological functors and structure functors , Lecture Notes in Math. 540 , Springer ( 1976 ), 109 - 136 . MR 442052 | Zbl 0339.18003 · Zbl 0339.18003 [3] 3 Herrlich , H. , Initial completions , Math. Z. 150 ( 1976 ), 101 - 110 . Article | MR 437614 | Zbl 0319.18001 · Zbl 0319.18001 · doi:10.1007/BF01215227 [4] 4 Herrlich , H. , Topological functors , Gen. Top. Appl. 4 ( 1974 ), 125 - 142 . MR 343226 | Zbl 0288.54003 · Zbl 0288.54003 · doi:10.1016/0016-660X(74)90016-6 [5] 5 Hoffmann , R.-E. , Semi-identifying lifts and a generalizationof the duality theorem for topological functors , Math. Nachr. 74 ( 1976 ), 297 - 307 . MR 428256 | Zbl 0345.18002 · Zbl 0345.18002 · doi:10.1002/mana.3210740124 [6] 6 Hong , Y.H. , Studies on categories of universal topological algebras , Thesis, Mc Master University , 1974 . [7] 7 Hong , S.S. , Categories in which every monosource is initial, Kymgpook Math. J. 15 ( 1975 ), 133 - 139 . MR 369466 | Zbl 0309.18004 · Zbl 0309.18004 [8] 8 Kennison , I.F. , Reflective functors in general topology and elsewhere , Trans. A. M. S. 118 ( 1965 ), 303 - 315 . MR 174611 | Zbl 0134.40705 · Zbl 0134.40705 · doi:10.2307/1993961 [9] 9 Porst , H.E. , Characterisation of MacNeille completions and topological functors , Manuscripta Math. ( to appear) . · Zbl 0379.18004 [10] 10 Nel , L.D. , Cartesian closed topological categories , Lecture Notes in Math. 540 , Springer ( 1976 ), 439 - 451 . MR 447369 | Zbl 0336.54006 · Zbl 0336.54006 [11] 11 Tholen , W. , Relative Bildzerlegungen und algebraische Kategorien, Dissertation , Universität Münster , 1974 . [12] 12 Tholen , W. , On Wyler’s taut lifting theorem ( to appear). Zbl 0374.18002 · Zbl 0374.18002 · doi:10.1016/0016-660X(78)90050-8 [13] 13 Wischnewsky , M.B. , Aspects of categorical algebra in initial structure categories , Cahiers Topo. et Géo. Diff. XV- 4 ( 1974 ), 419 - 444 . Numdam | MR 382389 | Zbl 0324.18002 · Zbl 0324.18002 [14] 14 Wischnewsky , M.B. , On monoidal closed topological categories, I , Lecture Notes in Math. 540 , Springer ( 1976 ), 676 - 686 . MR 466256 | Zbl 0352.18016 · Zbl 0352.18016 [15] 15 Wolff , H. , Topological functors and right adjoints , 1975 ( to appear). MR 506574 | Zbl 0388.18006 · Zbl 0388.18006 · doi:10.1016/0016-660X(78)90054-5 [16] 16 Wyler , O. , On the categories of general topology and topological algebra , Arch. d. Math. 22 / 1 ( 1971 ), 7 - 15 . MR 287563 | Zbl 0265.18008 · Zbl 0265.18008 · doi:10.1007/BF01222531 This reference list is based on information provided by the publisher or from digital mathematics libraries. Its items are heuristically matched to zbMATH identifiers and may contain data conversion errors. In some cases that data have been complemented/enhanced by data from zbMATH Open. This attempts to reflect the references listed in the original paper as accurately as possible without claiming completeness or a perfect matching.