
Dense hyperplanes of first category. (English) Zbl 0419.46015

Summary: In 1966 V. Klee and A. Wilansky [Research problems #13, Bull. Am. Math. Soc. 72, 656 (1966)] raised the following question: Must an hyperplane of a Banach space be either closed or of second category? This question has been studied by different methods obtaining related results. See for example A. R. Todd and S. A. Saxon [Math. Ann. 206, 23–34 (1973; Zbl 0247.46002)] and J. P. R. Christensen [Topology and Borel structure. Amsterdam etc.: North-Holland (1974; Zbl 0273.28001)].
In this paper the question is solved for a separable Banach space and assuming Martin’s axiom by the following two theorems:
Theorem 1. In every infinite dimensional separable Banach space there exist dense hyperplanes of first category.
Theorem 2. In every infinite dimensional separable Banach space there exists a set \(P\) of dense hyperplanes such that \(\text{card}(P)=2^{(2\aleph_0)}\) and \(\cup_{H\in P} H\) is of first category.
Reviewer: J. Arias de Reyna


46B10 Duality and reflexivity in normed linear and Banach spaces
54E52 Baire category, Baire spaces


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[2] Klee, V., Wilansky, A.: Research problems no. 13. Bull. Amer. Math. Soc.72, 656-656 (1966) · doi:10.1090/S0002-9904-1966-11547-1
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[7] Todd, A.R., Saxon, S.A.: A property of locally convex Baire spaces. Math. Ann.206, 23-34 (1973) · doi:10.1007/BF01431526
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