Herrlich, Horst; Strecker, George E. Category theory. An introduction. 2nd ed. (English) Zbl 0437.18001 Sigma Series in Pure Mathematics. 1. Berlin: Heldermann Verlag. XV, 400 p. DM 48.00 (1979). Page: −5 −4 −3 −2 −1 ±0 +1 +2 +3 +4 +5 Show Scanned Page Cited in 5 ReviewsCited in 144 Documents MSC: 18-01 Introductory exposition (textbooks, tutorial papers, etc.) pertaining to category theory 18A20 Epimorphisms, monomorphisms, special classes of morphisms, null morphisms 18E05 Preadditive, additive categories 18E10 Abelian categories, Grothendieck categories 18A30 Limits and colimits (products, sums, directed limits, pushouts, fiber products, equalizers, kernels, ends and coends, etc.) 18A40 Adjoint functors (universal constructions, reflective subcategories, Kan extensions, etc.) 18A32 Factorization systems, substructures, quotient structures, congruences, amalgams 18B30 Categories of topological spaces and continuous mappings (MSC2010) 18B05 Categories of sets, characterizations 18A25 Functor categories, comma categories 18A35 Categories admitting limits (complete categories), functors preserving limits, completions Keywords:conglomerates; comma categories; concrete categories; sections; monomorphisms; natural transformations; adjoint functors; limits; colimits; pullbacks; complete categories; reflection; universal maps; representable functors; algebraic categories; congruence relations; factorizations; diagonal property; abelian categories; exact category Citations:Zbl 0201.350; Zbl 0242.18008; Zbl 0255.18002; Zbl 0265.18001 PDFBibTeX XML