Silberger, Allan J. Introduction to harmonic analysis on reductive p-adic groups. Based on lectures by Harish-Chandra at The Institute for Advanced Study, 1971-73. (English) Zbl 0458.22006 Mathematical Notes. 23. Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press and University of Tokyo Press. IV, 372 p. $ 14.00 (1979). Page: −5 −4 −3 −2 −1 ±0 +1 +2 +3 +4 +5 Show Scanned Page Cited in 100 Documents MSC: 22-02 Research exposition (monographs, survey articles) pertaining to topological groups 43-02 Research exposition (monographs, survey articles) pertaining to abstract harmonic analysis 22E35 Analysis on \(p\)-adic Lie groups 22E50 Representations of Lie and linear algebraic groups over local fields 32N10 Automorphic forms in several complex variables Keywords:Maass-Selberg relations; functional equations; supercuspidal representations; parabolic subgroups; subrepresentation theorem; automorphic form; discrete series; Eisenstein integral; Plancherel formula; spectrum for groups Citations:Zbl 0202.411 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI