Studnička, F. J. Geometric application of some theorems on the determinants. (Geometrische Anwendung einiger Lehrsätze von den Determinanten.) (Czech) JFM 05.0094.01 Casopis II (1873). Siehe Abschn. VIII. Cap. 3. (JFM 05.0298.03) MSC: 51N20 Euclidean analytic geometry 15A15 Determinants, permanents, traces, other special matrix functions 51M25 Length, area and volume in real or complex geometry 03F05 Cut-elimination and normal-form theorems 51N35 Questions of classical algebraic geometry JFM Section:Zweiter Abschnitt. Algebra. Capitel 3. Elimination und Substitution, Determinanten, Invarianten, Covarianten, symmetrische Functionen. Keywords:Geometric application; determinants; theorems Citations:JFM 05.0298.03 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI DOI