Wang, S. S.; Choi, I. Boundary-layer effects in composite laminates. II: Free-edge stress solutions and basic characteristics. (English) Zbl 0504.73043 J. Appl. Mech. 49, 549-560 (1982). Summary: Boundary-layer effects in composite laminates are considered. Based on the theory of anisotropic elasticity and Lekhnitskii’s complex-variable stress function formulation, the exact laminate elasticity solution is derived for the problem. The solution contains the exact boundary-layer stress singularity and higher-order terms in eigenfunction series. Convergence and accuracy of the solution are studied, and present results are compared with existing approximate numerical solutions. For illustrative purposes, the complete solution for a symmetric [45/-45 / -45/45] graphite-epoxy composite is presented to elucidate fundamental characteristics of the boundary-layer effects. Detailed stress distributions in the boundary-layer region are determined. Boundary-layer stress intensity factors are introduced to characterize the singular edge-stress field. Physical significance of the parameters is discussed in the realm of fracture initiation and failure modes in the laminate boundary region.For Part I, see Zbl 0504.73042. Page: −5 −4 −3 −2 −1 ±0 +1 +2 +3 +4 +5 Show Scanned Page Cited in 1 ReviewCited in 12 Documents MSC: 74E30 Composite and mixture properties 74E10 Anisotropy in solid mechanics 35P10 Completeness of eigenfunctions and eigenfunction expansions in context of PDEs 74S99 Numerical and other methods in solid mechanics 74G70 Stress concentrations, singularities in solid mechanics Keywords:boundary-layer effects; composite laminates; Lekhnitskii stress function; exact laminate elasticity solution; exact boundary-layer stress singularity; higher-order terms in eigenfunction series; convergence; accuracy; symmetric graphite-epoxy composite; stress distributions; stress intensity factors; singular edge-stress field Citations:Zbl 0504.73042 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI