Bennett, E. The aspiration approach to predicting coalition formation and payoff distribution in sidepayment games. (English) Zbl 0504.90093 Int. J. Game Theory 12, 1-28 (1983). Summary: This paper presents the aspiration approach to coalition formation and payoff distribution in games with sidepayments. The approach is based on the idea that players set prices for their participation within coalitions. The solution space which is appropriate for price-setting players is different from that of the usual solution concepts and is called the space of aspirations. Solution concepts defined on the space of aspirations correspond to notions of how players bargain over their prices. Once the players choose a vector of prices, the coalitions which can afford to pay these prices are the coalitions which are predicted to form in the game. Page: −5 −4 −3 −2 −1 ±0 +1 +2 +3 +4 +5 Show Scanned Page Cited in 3 ReviewsCited in 40 Documents MSC: 91A12 Cooperative games Keywords:aspiration approach; coalition formation; payoff distribution in games with sidepayments; bargaining × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI References: [1] Albers, W.: Zwei Lösungskonzepte für kooperative Mehrpersonenspiele, die auf Anspruchsniveaus der Spieler basieren. OR-Verfahren (Methods of Operations Research)XVIII, 1974, 1–8. [2] -: Core- and Kernel-Variants Based on Imputations and Demand Profiles. Game Theory and Related Topics. Ed. by O. Moeschlin and D. Pallaschke. Amsterdam 1979. [3] Aumann, R.J., andJ. Drèze: Cooperative Games with Coalition Structures. International Journal of Game Theory3 (4), 1974, 217–237. · Zbl 0313.90074 · doi:10.1007/BF01766876 [4] Aumann, R.J., andM. Maschler: The Bargaining Set for Cooperative Games. Advances in Game Theory. Ed. by M. Dresher, L.S. Shapley, and A.W. Tucker. 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