
\(L^ 2 \) estimates for the (partial d) operator of a semi-positive holomorphic vector fibre over a complete Kaehlerian variety. (Estimations \(L^ 2 \) pour l’opérateur (partial d) d’un fibre vectoriel holomorphe semi-positif au-dessus d’une variété Kaehlerienne complete.) (French) Zbl 0507.32021

Let \( E \) be a hermitian vector bundle of rank \( r \) over a \(n\)-dimensional Kähler manifold \( X \). The bundle \( E \) is said to be \( s \)-positive if its curvature tensor \(i_c (E) \) identified with a hermitian form on \( T X \otimes E \) takes \( >0 \) values on tensors of rank \( s \) and \( \neq 0 \). For example, if \( E \) is Griffiths \( >0 \) (i.e. 1-positive) of rank \( r \geq 2 \), one shows that \( E^{*} \otimes(\operatorname{det} E)^{s} \) is \( s \)-positive and that \( E \otimes \operatorname{det} E \) is Nakano \( >0 \) (i.e. \(n\)-positive). In connection with these results, one proves the following vanishing theorem: if \( E \) is \( s \)-positive and \( X \) is weakly pseudoconvex, then \( H^{\mathfrak{q}}\left(X, \wedge^{\mathfrak{n}} \mathfrak{T}^{*} \mathrm{X} \otimes E\right)=0 \) for \( q z \sup (1, n-s+1) \). Given a surjective morphism \( E \rightarrow Q \rightarrow 0 \) of hermitian bundles, one also obtains curvature conditions which imply the surjectivity of the map \( H^{Q}(X, E \otimes I) \rightarrow H^{Q}(X, Q \otimes I), 0 \leq q<n \), where \( I \) is a line bundle. All these results are proved in quantitative versions using \( L^{3} \) estimates and plurisubharmonic weights. In order to get rid of continuity assumptions for weights or exhaustion on \( X \), is developed a smoothing method for psh functions involving the exponential map \( T X \rightarrow X \). Especially, if \( X \) has an upper semicontinuous exhaustive psh function, then it can be endowed with a complete Kähler metric.


32L20 Vanishing theorems
32L05 Holomorphic bundles and generalizations
53C55 Global differential geometry of Hermitian and Kählerian manifolds
32L10 Sheaves and cohomology of sections of holomorphic vector bundles, general results
32U05 Plurisubharmonic functions and generalizations


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