Popescu, Cristian D. A class-field theoretical calculation. (English) Zbl 1161.11402 J. Théor. Nombres Bordx. 18, No. 2, 477-486 (2006). Let \(k\) be a function field of one variable over a finite field \(\mathbb{F}_p\), where \(p\) is a prime number. Let \(K/k\) be a finite abelian extension with Galois group \(\Gamma:=\text{Gal}(K/k)\). Denote by \(S\) the set of ramified primes of \(K\) in \(K\) over \(k\). Let \(K_S^{ab,p}\) be the maximal pro-\(p\) abelian extension of \(K\) unramified outside \(S\) with Galois group \(H:=\text{Gal}(K_S^{ab,p}/K)\). Then \(K_S^{ab,p}\) is Galois over \(k\) with Galois group \(G:=\text{Gal}(K_S^{ab,p}/k)\). Thus there is an exact sequence \[ 1\to H\to G\to \Gamma \to 1. \] The action of \(\Gamma\) on \(H\) is \(\gamma\circ h:=\tilde{\gamma}h\tilde{\gamma}^{-1},\) for all \(h\in H\) and \(\gamma\in \Gamma\), where \(\tilde{\gamma}\) is any lift of \(\gamma\) to \(G\). Consider the augmentation ideal \(I_{\Gamma}:=\langle\gamma-1|\gamma\in\Gamma\rangle\) and \(H\), we have \((\gamma-1)\circ h=\tilde{\gamma}h\tilde{\gamma}^{-1}h^{-1}=\) the commutator \([\tilde{\gamma},h]\) of \(\tilde{\gamma}\) and \(h\), for all \(\gamma\in\Gamma\) and \(h\in H\). As a result, we have an the inclusion \(I_{\Gamma}\circ H\subseteq [G,G]\), where \([G,G]\) is the commutator subgroup of \(G\). This paper gives a necessary and sufficient condition for the other inclusion \(I_{\Gamma}\circ H \supseteq [G,G]\) to hold, i.e. \(I_{\Gamma}\circ H =[G,G]\) if and only if the \(p\)-sylow subgroup \(\Gamma^{(p)}\) of \(\Gamma\) is cyclic.The author first gives a sufficient condition for \(I_{\Gamma}\circ H =[G,G]\) to hold, i.e. the condition \(H/I_{\Gamma}\circ H\) has no torsion; then using class field theory he shows an isomorphism \(T(H/I_{\Gamma}\circ H)\cong \wedge^2 \Gamma^{(p)}\), where \(T(H/I_{\Gamma}\circ H)\) is the torsion subgroup of \(H/I_{\Gamma}\circ H\); thus he concludes that if \(\Gamma^{(p)}\) is cyclic then \(I_{\Gamma}\circ H =[G,G]\); finally the author uses class field theory and a theorem of H. Kisilevsky [J. Number Theory 44, No. 3, 352–355 (1993; Zbl 0780.11058)] to show that the condition \(\Gamma^{(p)}\) is cyclic is in fact necessary. Reviewer: Jing Long Hoelscher (Tucson, AZ) MSC: 11R37 Class field theory 11R32 Galois theory Keywords:class field theory; Galois cohomology Citations:Zbl 0780.11058 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI Numdam EuDML References: [1] E. Artin, J. Tate, Class-field Theory. Addison-Wesley Publishing Co., Inc.- Advanced Book Classics Series, 1990. · Zbl 0681.12003 [2] K. Brown, Cohomology of Groups. GTM 87, Springer Verlag, 1982. · Zbl 0584.20036 [3] J.W.S. Cassels, A. Fröhlich, Editors, Algebraic Number Theory. Academic Press, London and New York, 1967. · Zbl 0153.07403 [4] B.H. Gross, On the values of abelian \(L\)-functions at \(s=0\). Jour. Fac. Sci. Univ. Tokyo 35 (1988), 177-197. · Zbl 0681.12005 [5] H. Kisilevsky, Multiplicative independence in function fields. Journal of Number Theory 44 (1993), 352-355. · Zbl 0780.11058 [6] K.S. Tan, Generalized Stark formulae over function fields, preprint. · Zbl 1233.11117 [7] K.S. Tan, Private Communication, 2001-2002. [8] J. Tate, Les conjectures de Stark sur les fonctions \(L\) d’Artin en \(s=0\). Progr. in Math. 47, Boston Birkhäuser, 1984 . · Zbl 0545.12009 This reference list is based on information provided by the publisher or from digital mathematics libraries. Its items are heuristically matched to zbMATH identifiers and may contain data conversion errors. In some cases that data have been complemented/enhanced by data from zbMATH Open. This attempts to reflect the references listed in the original paper as accurately as possible without claiming completeness or a perfect matching.