
Stationary in wide sense solutions of difference equations in the Banach space. (Ukrainian, English) Zbl 1150.60014

Teor. Jmovirn. Mat. Stat. 74, 27-33 (2006); translation in Theory Probab. Math. Stat. 74, 29-35 (2007).
Let \((X,\|\cdot\|_{X})\) be a complex separable Banach space, let \(\eta=\{\eta_{n}, n\in Z\}\) be a stationary sequence of \(X\)-valued random elements, let \(A:\;D\subset X\to X\) be a closed operator, and let \(\{A_{n}, n\in Z\}\) be a sequence of operators from \(L(X)\) such that \(\sum_{n\in Z}\| A_{n}\|_{L(X)}<+\infty\). The author proves existence and uniqueness of stationary solution of difference equation \(A\xi_{n}=\sum_{k\in Z}A_{k}\xi_{n+k}+\eta_{n}\), \(n\in Z\), for any stationary sequence \(\eta\). The stability of stationary solution of the considered difference equation with respect to small disturbances of operator coefficients is established.


60G10 Stationary stochastic processes
39A10 Additive difference equations
47A50 Equations and inequalities involving linear operators, with vector unknowns
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