
On the theorem of de Franchis. (English) Zbl 0534.14016

Let X be a compact Riemann surface of genus \(g>1\). Let Hol(X) denote the set of surjective holomorphic mappings whose domain is X and whose range has genus \(>1\); note that the range is allowed to vary. The well known theorem of de Franchis asserts that Hol(X) is a finite set. In this paper an explicit bound on Hol(X) that depends only on g is given. The bound is probably far from being sharp; the worst term in the bound is of the order \(g^{2g^ 2}\). A generalization for the set of maps from a fixed higher dimensional X to Riemann surfaces of genus \(>2\) is also given.


14E05 Rational and birational maps
14N10 Enumerative problems (combinatorial problems) in algebraic geometry
30F10 Compact Riemann surfaces and uniformization


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