
Some categorical aspects of simplicial complexes. (English) Zbl 0535.18007

Let Simp be the category of all abstract simplicial complexes and all simplicial maps. In this paper the author proves that Simp is strongly topological, i.e. it is a Cartesian closed topological category and final epi-sinks in Simp are hereditary. By these facts one can explain the reason why Simp is more convenient than Top for algebraic topology. Furtheremore, for each natural number n, the full subcategory \(Simp_ n\) of Simp consisting of all simplicial complexes of dimension less than or equal to n is bicoreflective in Simp and is as convenient as Simp itself. It is remarked that Simp and \(Simp_ n\) (\(n\geq 1)\) are not universal in the sense of Th. Marny [Gen. Topology Appl. 10, 175-181 (1979; Zbl 0415.54007)].
Reviewer: R.Nakagawa


18D15 Closed categories (closed monoidal and Cartesian closed categories, etc.)
18G30 Simplicial sets; simplicial objects in a category (MSC2010)
55U10 Simplicial sets and complexes in algebraic topology
18B30 Categories of topological spaces and continuous mappings (MSC2010)
18A40 Adjoint functors (universal constructions, reflective subcategories, Kan extensions, etc.)
55U40 Topological categories, foundations of homotopy theory
54B30 Categorical methods in general topology


Zbl 0415.54007
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