
Tolerances on median algebras. (English) Zbl 0538.08003

A ternary algebra M whose ternary operation (abc) satisfies the identities \((aab)=a,\quad(abc)=(bac)=(bca),\) and \(((abc)de)=(a(bde)(cde))\) for all \(a,b,c,d,e\quad in\quad M\) is called a median algebra. Several papers have studied tolerances, reflexive and symmetric compatible relations on algebras. These relations are well understood for distributive lattices, median algebras, and tree algebras (median algebras in which any (abd), (acd), (bcd) are not distinct).
This paper gives the main facts, provides simple proofs, and extends some previous results concerning tolerances. The following are typical results. If \(\xi\) is a reflexive, symmetric relation on a tree algebra, then \(\xi\) is a tolerance if and only if all blocks of \(\xi\) are convex. A median algebra has the tolerance extension property if and only if it is a tree algebra. The lattice of all tolerances on a median algebra is distributive.
Reviewer: G.A.Fraser


08A30 Subalgebras, congruence relations
08A05 Structure theory of algebraic structures
20N10 Ternary systems (heaps, semiheaps, heapoids, etc.)
06A12 Semilattices
06D05 Structure and representation theory of distributive lattices
Full Text: DOI EuDML


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