
Bayesian ”confidence intervals” for the cross-validated smoothing spline. (English) Zbl 0538.65006

The author considers the model \(Y(t_ i)=g(t_ i)+\epsilon_ i\), \(i=1,...,n,t_ i\in [0,1]\), where g(t) is a smooth function on [0,1] and \(\epsilon_ i\) are independent \(N(0,\tau^ 2)\)-errors with \(\tau^ 2\) unknowns. She studies ”confidence intervals” for the cross-validated smoothing spline estimate of g. The paper presents an affirmative answer (in the case of large n) to the question: Is there any reason to believe that the resulting 95 per cent confidence intervals will cover the true \(g(t_ i)\) about 95 per cent of the time?
Reviewer: B.D.Bojanov


65D10 Numerical smoothing, curve fitting
65D07 Numerical computation using splines
41A15 Spline approximation
62F25 Parametric tolerance and confidence regions
62A01 Foundations and philosophical topics in statistics
65C99 Probabilistic methods, stochastic differential equations