Bourgain, J. Propriétés de décomposition pour les ensembles de Sidon. (French) Zbl 0546.43006 Bull. Soc. Math. Fr. 111, 421-428 (1983). The paper consists of two parts. The main result of the first is the following: if \(G_ 1\) and \(G_ 2\) are compact abelian groups and \(\Lambda\) a Sidon set in \((G_ 1\times G_ 2)^{\wedge}\) then \(\Lambda\) is a finite union of sets \(\Lambda_{\alpha}\) such that, for each \(\alpha\), the projections of \(\Lambda_{\alpha}\) on \(\hat G_ 1\) and on \(\hat G_ 2\) are injective and both are Sidon sets in \(\hat G_ 1\) and \(\hat G_ 2\) respectively. As a corollary the author derives the following extension of the known theorem of Malliavin-Brameret and Malliavin: for any square-free n, every Sidon set \(\Lambda\) in the direct sum \(\sum {\mathcal Z}(n)\) is a finite union of quasi-independent sets \(\Lambda_{\alpha}\), this means that there is no relation of the form \(\sum_{\gamma_ j\in\Lambda_{\alpha}\backslash\{0\}}\epsilon_ j\gamma_ j=0 (\epsilon_ j=\pm 1)\). The method of proof is based on the probabilistic characterization of Sidon sets by Rider and on some related results. In the second part the author calls a set \(A\subset\hat G \ell\)-quasi-independent if any relation \(\sum_{\gamma\in A}\epsilon_{\gamma}\gamma =0\) with \(\epsilon_{\gamma}\in\{-1,0,1\}\) and \(\sum| \epsilon_{\gamma}|\leq \ell\) is trivial and he proves that, for each \(\ell\), every Sidon set is a finite union of \(\ell\)-quasi- independent sets. He begins by proving a combinatorial theorem, interesting in itself, which reads: let \(S_{\ell}(A)=\{\sum_{\gamma\in A}\epsilon_{\gamma}\gamma:\quad\sum |\epsilon_{\gamma}|\leq \ell\};\) there exists a function \(\Phi\) (\(\ell,C)\) such that if \(\Lambda \subset\hat G\) and \(| S_{\ell}(A)\cap\Lambda |\leq C| A|\) for any finite set \(A\subset\Lambda \), then \(\Lambda\) is a finite union of \(\Phi\) (\(\ell,C) (\ell +1)\)-quasi-independent sets. Since this theorem applies in particular to Sidon sets, the above-mentioned result follows. As a corollary one obtains the statement that every Sidon set is a finite union of sets tending to infinity (for the definition see the book of J. M. López and K. A. Ross [Sidon sets (1975; Zbl 0351.43008)], where this statement is proved for countable Sidon sets and left as an open question for the other ones). Reviewer: S.Hartman Cited in 5 Documents MSC: 43A46 Special sets (thin sets, Kronecker sets, Helson sets, Ditkin sets, Sidon sets, etc.) Keywords:compact abelian groups; Sidon set; quasi-independent sets Citations:Zbl 0351.43008 PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{J. Bourgain}, Bull. Soc. Math. Fr. 111, 421--428 (1983; Zbl 0546.43006) Full Text: DOI Numdam EuDML References: [1] FERNIQUE (X.) . - Régularité des trajectoires des processus gaussiens , École d’Été de St.-Flour, Springer LNM 480. Zbl 0331.60025 · Zbl 0331.60025 [2] LINDAHL (L. A.) , POULSEN (F.) . - Thin sets in harmonic analysis , Lect. Notes in Pure and Applied Math., M. Dekker Inc., New York, 1971 . MR 52 #14800 | Zbl 0226.43006 · Zbl 0226.43006 [3] LOPEZ (J. M.) , ROSS (K. A.) . - Sidon sets , Lect. Notes in Pure and Applied Math., M. Dekker Inc., New York, 1975 . MR 55 #13173 | Zbl 0351.43008 · Zbl 0351.43008 [4] MALLIAVIN-BRAMERET (M. P.) , MALLIAVIN (P.) . - Caractérisation arithmétique des ensembles de Helson , C.R.A.Sc. Paris, Série A, 264 ( 1967 ), 192-193. Zbl 0154.02401 · Zbl 0154.02401 [5] MARCUS (M. B.) , PISIER (G.) . - Random Fourier series with applications to harmonic analysis , Annals of Math. Studies n^\circ 101, Princeton University Press ( 1981 ). MR 83b:60031 | Zbl 0474.43004 · Zbl 0474.43004 [6] PISIER (G.) . - De nouvelles caractérisations des ensembles de Sidon , Advances in Maths, Supplementary studies, Mathematical Analysis and Applications (Part B), vol. 7, 1981 . MR 82m:43011 | Zbl 0468.43008 · Zbl 0468.43008 [7] PISIER (G.) . - Conditions d’entropie et caractérisations arithmétiques des ensembles de Sidon , preprint. · Zbl 0539.43004 [8] VAROPOULOS (N. Th.) . - Some combinatorial problems in Harmonic Analysis , Summer School in Harmonic Analysis, University of Warwick, 1968 . This reference list is based on information provided by the publisher or from digital mathematics libraries. Its items are heuristically matched to zbMATH identifiers and may contain data conversion errors. In some cases that data have been complemented/enhanced by data from zbMATH Open. This attempts to reflect the references listed in the original paper as accurately as possible without claiming completeness or a perfect matching.