Martinet, Jean; Ramis, Jean-Pierre Problèmes de modules pour des équations différentielles non linéaires du premier ordre. (French) Zbl 0546.58038 Publ. Math., Inst. Hautes Étud. Sci. 55, 63-164 (1982). The paper is concerned with analytic differential equations in \({\mathbb{C}}^ 2\) which are formally equivalent to the following normal forms: \(\omega_{p,\lambda}=x^{p+1}dy-y(1+\lambda x^ p)dx=0,\) \(p\geq 1\), \(\lambda \in {\mathbb{C}}\). The problem of analytic classification is studied in detail. A special sheaf \(\Lambda_{p,\lambda}\) of non-abelian groups on the unit circle \(S^ 1\) is introduced which depends on parameters of the normal form. The main results may be stated as follows. Analytic equations with the fixed (formal) normal form are analytically classified by the elements of \(H^ 1(S^ 1;\Lambda_{p,\lambda})\). The moduli space has a natural (infinite dimensional) analytic structure such that the classifying mapping becomes analytic. It is shown that for \(\omega_{p,\lambda}\) the reducing transformations belong to Gevrey classes of the order \(s=1+1/p\). The analytic type of an equation is expressed in terms of holonomy of the invariant manifold \(\{x=0\}\) relative to the foliation defined by the equation. The results have many points of contact with the recent theories developed by J. Ecalle, B. Malgrange and Y. Sibuya. Reviewer: G.N.Khimshiashvili Cited in 6 ReviewsCited in 105 Documents MSC: 37G99 Local and nonlocal bifurcation theory for dynamical systems 34A25 Analytical theory of ordinary differential equations: series, transformations, transforms, operational calculus, etc. 32B99 Local analytic geometry Keywords:non-abelian homology; analytic differential equations; normal forms; foliation × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI Numdam EuDML References: [1] W. Balser, W. Jurkat, D. 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