Reiman, Martin I. Open queueing networks in heavy traffic. (English) Zbl 0549.90043 Math. Oper. Res. 9, 441-458 (1984). Summary: This paper presents heavy traffic limit theorems for the queue length and sojourn time processes associated with open queueing networks. These limit theorems state that properly normalized sequences of queue length and sojourn time processes converge weakly to a certain diffusion as the network traffic intensity converges to unity. The limit diffusion is reflected Brownian motion on the nonnegative orthant. This process behaves like Brownian motion on the interior of its state space, and reflects instantaneously on the boundaries. The reflection direction is a constant for each boundary hyperplane. Cited in 1 ReviewCited in 141 Documents MSC: 90B22 Queues and service in operations research 60K25 Queueing theory (aspects of probability theory) 60K20 Applications of Markov renewal processes (reliability, queueing networks, etc.) Keywords:heavy traffic limit theorems; queue length; sojourn time; open queueing networks; limit diffusion; reflected Brownian motion × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI