
Hidden symmetries and Killing tensors. (English) Zbl 0551.58019

The author investigates a notion of Killing tensor on a manifold M and its relation to symmetries of Hamiltonian systems on \(T^*M\) and their constants of motion. It is a well-known fact that a Killing vector field lifted from M to \(T^*M\) generates a symmetry of a corresponding Hamiltonian system (”obvious” symmetry). Lifting of a Killing tensor field from M to \(T^*M\) gives a vector field on \(T^*M\) which also generates a symmetry, but this symmetry is ”hidden”, i.e. mixes up coordinates and momenta in a nontrivial way. Examples are given leading to well-known symmetries of some classical systems
Reviewer: Yu.E.Gliklikh


37J99 Dynamical aspects of finite-dimensional Hamiltonian and Lagrangian systems
70G45 Differential geometric methods (tensors, connections, symplectic, Poisson, contact, Riemannian, nonholonomic, etc.) for problems in mechanics
70H05 Hamilton’s equations
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