
Some new results on the validity of Huygens’ principle for the scalar wave equation on a curved space-time. (English) Zbl 0557.53046

Gravitation, geometry and relativistic physics, Proc., Aussois/France 1984, Lect. Notes Phys. 212, 138-142 (1984).
[For the entire collection see Zbl 0546.00038.]
A space-time on which the conformally invariant scalar wave equation satisfies Huygens’ principle is called a Huygens’ space-time. The only known examples of Huygens’ space-times are conformally flat or conformally related to the plane wave space-time whose metric is \[ ds^ 2=2dv(du+(Dz^ 2+\bar D\bar z^ 2+ez\bar z)dv)-2dzd\bar z, \] (1) where \(D\neq 0\), and e are functions of v only. The authors have obtained the following result: For every Huygens’ space-time of Petrov type N there exist a coordinate system \((u,v,z,\bar z)\) and a function \(\Phi\) such that the metric has the form \[ ds^ 2=e^{2\Phi}\{2dv[du+(a(z+\bar z)u+m)dv]-2(dz+az^ 2dv) (d\bar z+a\bar z^ 2dv)\} \] where a is a function only of v, and the function m has the form \(m(v,z,\bar z)=\bar zG(v,z)+z\bar G(v,z)+H(v,z)+\bar H(v,\bar z),\) where the functions G and H are given by either \(G(v,z)=e(v)z+f(v)z+f(v),\quad H(v,z)=g(v)z^ 2+h(v)z,\) and e,f,g, and h are arbitrary functions or G and H satisfy the differential equations \[ (\partial^ 2G(v,z)/\partial z^ 2)=f(v) (d(v)z+e(v))^{1/d(v)}, \]
\[ \partial^ 2H(v,z)/\partial z^ 2=\frac{f(v)}{1+d(v)}(d(v)z+e(v))^{1/d(v)}g(v) z+h(v) (1+d(v))- e(v)g(v), \] where the d,e,f,g, and h satisfy certain additional algebraic constraints. The metric given in the above theorem contains, as special cases, the metric (1) and the metrics of other space-times which are not Huygens’ space-times.
Reviewer: I.Gottlieb


53B50 Applications of local differential geometry to the sciences
58J60 Relations of PDEs with special manifold structures (Riemannian, Finsler, etc.)
53B30 Local differential geometry of Lorentz metrics, indefinite metrics


Zbl 0546.00038