Wahba, Grace Surface fitting with scattered noisy data on Euclidean D-space and on the sphere. (English) Zbl 0565.65002 Rocky Mt. J. Math. 14, 281-299 (1984). An efficient numerical algorithm for computing the cross-validated thin plate smoothing splines is considered when several hundred data points are given. A theory of vector splines for smoothing noisy vector data on the sphere is given. The use of generalized cross-validation is described. A few interesting examples are given to test the theory. Reviewer: M.Sambandham Cited in 14 Documents MSC: 65D10 Numerical smoothing, curve fitting 65D07 Numerical computation using splines 41A15 Spline approximation 41A63 Multidimensional problems Keywords:cross-validated thin plate smoothing splines; vector splines; smoothing noisy vector data PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{G. Wahba}, Rocky Mt. J. Math. 14, 281--299 (1984; Zbl 0565.65002) Full Text: DOI