
Effect of two time delays on partially functional differential equations. (English) Zbl 0572.35086

The authors study the Hutchinson equation with diffusion and two time delays in a bounded domain with no-flux boundary conditions. The existence of a stable, spatially inhomogeneous periodic solution is proved using Hopf bifurcation techniques. The space dependence of such solution is a novel feature with respect to the analogous one-delay model investigated in K. Yoshida [Hiroshima Math. J. 12, 321-348 (1982; Zbl 0522.35011)].
Reviewer: A.Tesei


35R10 Partial functional-differential equations
35B10 Periodic solutions to PDEs
35B32 Bifurcations in context of PDEs
35B35 Stability in context of PDEs


Zbl 0522.35011