
All admissible linear estimators of a multivariate Poisson mean. (English) Zbl 0575.62009

Admissible linear estimators \(Mx+\gamma\) must be pointwise limits of Bayes estimators. Using properties of Bayes estimators preserved by taking limits, the structure of M and \(\gamma\) can be determined. Among M, \(\gamma\) with this structure, a necessary and sufficient condition for admissibility is obtained. This condition is applied to the case of linear (mixture) models. It is shown that only the most trivial such models admit linear estimators of full rank which are admissible or are even limits of Bayes estimators.


62C07 Complete class results in statistical decision theory
62H12 Estimation in multivariate analysis
62C15 Admissibility in statistical decision theory
62F10 Point estimation
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