Ponomarenko, A. I. Generalized random fields of second order on locally compact groups. (Russian) Zbl 0577.60053 Teor. Veroyatn. Mat. Stat. 29, 100-109 (1983). Let \(\xi\) be a generalized random field of second order on an arbitrary, locally compact group G. It is shown that the correlation operator K of \(\xi\) is positively definite and selfadjoint. A representation of \(\xi\) in terms of K is given. Some results are obtained about special classes of generalized fields of second order on G, like weakly homogeneous, almost weakly homogeneous and pseudohomogeneous fields. Furthermore, the author shows that \(\xi\) may be decomposed into the sum of an (regular) orthogonal generalized field of second order on an open subset of G and a singular field. If \(\xi\) is left almost homogeneous, it may be decomposed into a sum of two left almost homogeneous fields on G, one of which is singular, the other regular. Reviewer: C.Baldauf MSC: 60G60 Random fields 60B15 Probability measures on groups or semigroups, Fourier transforms, factorization Keywords:generalized random field; locally compact group; correlation operator; homogeneous and pseudohomogeneous fields PDFBibTeX XML