Zakusilo, O. K. Some characteristics of systems with variable intensity of service. (Russian) Zbl 0581.60091 Teor. Veroyatn. Mat. Stat. 30, 45-51 (1984). The paper studies the queueing system described by the equation \(d\xi (t)=-\mu \xi (t)dt+d\alpha (t)\), where \(\mu >0\) and \(\alpha\) (t) is a generalized Poisson process. The properties of the stationary distributions of \(\xi\) (t) and the number of demands in the system are investigated. Cited in 1 Review MSC: 60K30 Applications of queueing theory (congestion, allocation, storage, traffic, etc.) 60J25 Continuous-time Markov processes on general state spaces 60J35 Transition functions, generators and resolvents Keywords:generalized Poisson process; stationary distributions PDFBibTeX XML