Hellegouarch, Yves X-unités de certains corps de fonctions algébriques. II. (X-units of some algebraic function fields. II). (French) Zbl 0584.12010 Grupe Étude Théor. Anal. Nombres 1re/2e années: 1984/1985, Exp. No. 19, 14 p. (1985). Let k(X) be the field of rational functions over the field k, \(A=k[X]\) the polynomial ring, and p a natural number prime to char(k). E denoting the field k(X,Y), where \(Y^ p=D\), D a certain polynomial in A, the author determines - the unit groups of orders in E with respect to A; - the integral closure of A in E. Reviewer: E.-U.Gekeler Cited in 1 Review MSC: 11R58 Arithmetic theory of algebraic function fields 14H45 Special algebraic curves and curves of low genus 14H40 Jacobians, Prym varieties 11D57 Multiplicative and norm form equations Keywords:norm equations; hyperelliptic curves; rational functions; unit groups of orders; integral closure Citations:Zbl 0584.12009 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: Numdam EuDML