
Régularité des matrices à diagonale dominante. Applications à l’absorption dans les chaînes et processus de Markov. (Regularity of diagonally dominant matrices. Applications to absorption in Markov chains and processes). (French) Zbl 0584.15008

Theorems concerning the location of the eigenvalues of a matrix in the complex plane allow, in certain circumstances, diagonally dominant matrices to be specified. Such matrices are, however, not always found to arise in the practical problems of applied probability so the author proposes an alternative corollary to deal with such cases.
Reviewer: B.W.Conolly


15A42 Inequalities involving eigenvalues and eigenvectors
60J10 Markov chains (discrete-time Markov processes on discrete state spaces)
90B25 Reliability, availability, maintenance, inspection in operations research
62N05 Reliability and life testing