
Nonlevelable sets and immune sets in the accepting density hierarchy in NP. (English) Zbl 0586.68043

The author studies the concept of levelability (investigated earlier at the recursive level) at the level of the accepting density hierarchy in NP. A set A in NP is levelable with respect to a density function u [ND(u(n))-levelable] if for every polynomial-time nondeterministic Turing machine (NTM) M that accepts A there is a NTM M’ accepting A and such that for infinitely many strings x in A, probability of the acceptance of x by M \(< u(| x|) \leq\) probability of the acceptance of x by M’.
The paper contains several results establishing an interesting characterization of nonlevelable sets in NP in terms of their maximal complexity cores, a relation between paddability and levelability at the two lowest levels in the accepting density hierarchy. Finally, the relation between the ND(u(n))-levelable and the ND(u(n))-immune sets in the relativized ND-hierarchy is studied.
Reviewer: M.Chytil


68Q25 Analysis of algorithms and problem complexity
03D15 Complexity of computation (including implicit computational complexity)
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