Rousseau, Jean-Marc Crew scheduling methods in the operation and planning of transportation systems. (English) Zbl 0591.90047 Transportation planning models, Proc. Course Internat. Center Transport Stud., Amalfi/Italy 1982, 439-472 (1984). Summary: [For the entire collection see Zbl 0578.90053.] The purpose of this paper is to review current mathematical techniques for in-vehicle crew and terminal manpower scheduling. We first review the main characteristics of the problem and its context. We then examine the most-used techniques for the construction of workdays and workday rosters. We describe in some detail the use of set covering techniques, and a complete section is devoted to crew scheduling problems in urban transit. MSC: 90B35 Deterministic scheduling theory in operations research 90C90 Applications of mathematical programming 90C10 Integer programming Keywords:planning of transportation systems; crew scheduling; terminal manpower scheduling; set covering Citations:Zbl 0578.90053 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF