Baranov, M. A.; Roslyĭ, A. A.; Shvarts, A. S. Superlightlike geodesics in supergravity. (English. Russian original) Zbl 0592.58013 Sov. J. Nucl. Phys. 41, 180-181 (1985); translation from Yad. Fiz. 41, 285-287 (1985). From the text: We show that the restrictions on the torsion which are assumed in supergravity allow us to draw some conclusions about the geometry of superspace. In other words we show that it is possible (at least partially) to attach geometrical meaning to the relations. MSC: 83E50 Supergravity 58E30 Variational principles in infinite-dimensional spaces 53C22 Geodesics in global differential geometry Keywords:torsion; supergravity; geometry of superspace × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF