
A class of nonlinear complementarity problems for multifunctions. (English) Zbl 0593.90078

Summary: Given a continuous map \(F: R^ n\to R^ n\) and a lower semicontinuous positively homogeneous convex function \(h: R^ n\to R\), the nonlinear complementarity problem considered here is to find \(x\in R^ n_+\) and yC\(\partial h(x)\), the subdifferential of h at x, such that \(F(x)+y\geq 0\) and \(x^ T(F(x)+y)=0\). Some existence theorems for the above problem are given under certain conditions on the map F. An application to quasidifferentiable convex programming is also shown.


90C33 Complementarity and equilibrium problems and variational inequalities (finite dimensions) (aspects of mathematical programming)
90C25 Convex programming
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