
Approximation of subharmonic functions. (Russian. English summary) Zbl 0594.31005

If the function f(z) is holomorphic in \(\Omega \subset R_ 2\), the function ln \(| f(z)|\) is subharmonic in \(\Omega\). In the paper the possibilities of approximations of subharmonic functions defined on an arbitrary domain \(\Omega \subset R_ 2\) are studied. For the case \(\Omega =R_ 2\) the problem is also solved. The approximation is realized by the function ln \(| f(z)|\), where f(z) is an analytic function in \(\Omega\), in both cases \(\Omega\) bounded or unbounded.
Reviewer: V.Jonescu


31A05 Harmonic, subharmonic, superharmonic functions in two dimensions
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