
A correction to the paper: ”An existence theorem for compressible viscous fluids”. (English) Zbl 0599.76082

[Concerns the author’s article reviewed above (Zbl 0599.76081)]. The proof of the convergence of the successive approximations is not complete. In fact, we have proved the existence of a subsequence \((\nu_{n_ k},\theta_{n_ k},\rho_{n_ k})\) which converges, but we cannot pass to the limit in (2.4), (2.5) and (2.6), without proving that \((\nu_{n_ k-1},\theta_{n_ k-1},\rho_{n_ k-1})\) also converges to the same limit. This result does not seem easy to be proved, hence we prefer to utilize a slightly different approach. Acutally, we complete the proof of the existence of a solution by a fixed point argument.


76N10 Existence, uniqueness, and regularity theory for compressible fluids and gas dynamics
35Q99 Partial differential equations of mathematical physics and other areas of application


Zbl 0599.76081
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[2] A. Valli,An existence theorem for compressible viscous fluids, Ann. Mat. Pura Appl.,130 (1982), pp. 197–213. · Zbl 0599.76081 · doi:10.1007/BF01761495
[3] A. Valli,Uniqueness theorems for compressible viscous fluids, expecially when the Stokes relation holds, Boll. Un. Mat. It., Anal. Funz. Appl.,18-C (1981), pp. 317–325. · Zbl 0484.76075
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