Feigin, Paul D.; Alvo, Mayer Intergroup diversity and concordance for ranking data: An approach via metrics for permutations. (English) Zbl 0604.62042 Ann. Stat. 14, 691-707 (1986). Motivated by the apportionment of diversity analysis due to C. R. Rao [see e.g., Theor. Popul. Biol. 21, 24-43 (1982; Zbl 0516.92021)], a general approach to comparing populations of rankers is proposed. Each permutation metric corresponds to a particular population characteristic that forms the basis of the comparison. Tests of hypotheses concerning equality of characteristics are developed. Throughout, comparison is made with earlier work, most of which is based on the use of only the Spearman metric. Extension to tied rankings is discussed. Examples for two groups are presented which illustrate the computational feasibility as well as the value of the proposed procedures. Cited in 18 Documents MSC: 62G99 Nonparametric inference 62G10 Nonparametric hypothesis testing 62G05 Nonparametric estimation 62H20 Measures of association (correlation, canonical correlation, etc.) Keywords:intergroup diversity and concordance; ranking data; Kendall’s tau; apportionment of diversity; comparing populations of rankers; permutation metric; Spearman metric; tied rankings Citations:Zbl 0516.92021 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI