Bell, Howard E. Commutativity of rings with constraints on commutators. (English) Zbl 0606.16023 Result. Math. 8, 123-131 (1985). Let F denote a commutative ring, \(F<X,Y>\) the corresponding ring of polynomials in two non-commuting indeterminates, and F[X,Y] the ring of polynomials in two commuting indeterminates. A polynomial \(f(X,Y)\in F<X,Y>\) is called admissible if each of its monomials has length at least 3 and f(X,Y) has trivial image under the natural F-algebra map from \(F<X,Y>\) to F[X,Y]. In general, the F-algebras R studied in the paper need not be commutative. The purpose of this paper is to continue the study of commutativity of these rings. Conditions imposed on R to obtain commutativity are variations of the following result: Let R be a ring; and suppose that for each x,y\(\in R\), there exists a polynomial p(X)\(\in XZ[X]\), depending on x and y, for which \(xy-yx=(xy-yx)p(x)\). Then R is commutative. Reviewer: S.Ligh Cited in 1 ReviewCited in 3 Documents MSC: 16U70 Center, normalizer (invariant elements) (associative rings and algebras) 16Rxx Rings with polynomial identity Keywords:commutators; ring of polynomials; commutativity PDFBibTeX XMLCite \textit{H. E. Bell}, Result. Math. 8, 123--131 (1985; Zbl 0606.16023)