
Limit theorems for divisor distributions. (English) Zbl 0609.10041

Let N be a positive integer and for \(N=p_ 1^{\alpha_ 1}... p_ k^{\alpha_ k}\) define \[ \mu_ n=(\sum_{1\leq j\leq k}((\alpha_ j+1)^ n-1)(\log p_ j)^ n)^{1/n},\quad F_ N(x)=\sum_{\alpha | N}'1/\tau (N), \] where \(\sum '\) denotes that the sum is restricted by those divisors satisfying log(d/\(\sqrt{N})\leq x\mu_ 2\). In this paper necessary and sufficient criteria for the convergence of \(F_{N_ j}\), \(N_ j=\prod_{p\leq j}p\), are given as \(j\to \infty\). In the general case it is proved that the necessary and sufficient conditions for a sequence \(F_{N_ j}\) to converge to the distribution F is that for each n the limits \(\lim_{j\to \infty}\mu_{2n}(N_ j)(\mu_ 2(N_ j))^{-1}\) exist. The possible limit distributions, that arise in this case, are investigated.
If \(F(x)=\phi (x)\)- normal distribution - then \(\sup_{w}| F_ N(w)-\phi (w)| \leq \mu_{\infty}/\mu_ 2\), where \(\mu_{\infty}=\lim_{n\to \infty}\mu_ n\).
Reviewer: B.V.Levin


11K65 Arithmetic functions in probabilistic number theory
11N37 Asymptotic results on arithmetic functions
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