
Answer to a problem raised by J. Robinson: The arithmetic of positive or negative integers is definable from successor and divisibility. (English) Zbl 0612.03009

Julia Robinson proved that in the positive integers \(+\) and \(\cdot\) are definable from S and \(|\) where S is the successor function and \(|\) is the divisibility relation. The author extends this result to Z, the set of positive and negative integers. As a corollary he gets that the theory of (Z,S,\(|)\) is undecidable. An important tool in the proof is a number theoretic result originally due to Zsigmondy and rediscovered by Birkhoff and Vandiver.
From the author’s introduction: ”First we \(\{\) S,\(| \}\)-define the relation \(z=\pm xy\); to this effect we have to develop some sort of finite set theory (in Ackermann’s way) via some codings depending heavily on the ZBV-theorem. Then we \(\{\) S,\(| \}\)-define a subset of the multiplication which suffices to get an \(\{\) S,\(| \}\)-definition of the whole addition. Lastly using Lagrange’s theorem we get the relation \(x\geq 0\) and the principal result”.
Reviewer: J.M.Plotkin


03B25 Decidability of theories and sets of sentences
11U05 Decidability (number-theoretic aspects)
Full Text: DOI


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