
On a multidimensional search technique and its application to the Euclidean one-centre problem. (English) Zbl 0613.68044

The paper is divided into two main sections. The first deals with a multidimensional search technique of N. Megiddo [J. Assoc. Comput. Mach. 31, 114-127 (1984)], and suggests an improvement. The second gives an application of the technique to the Euclidean one-centre problem in \({\mathbb{R}}^ d\). An algorithm of time-complexity \(O(3^{(d+2)^ 2}n)\) is derived for this problem. This improves the best previous bound even in the case \(d=2\).


68U99 Computing methodologies and applications
90C05 Linear programming
68Q25 Analysis of algorithms and problem complexity
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