
The classical limit of relativistic extended thermodynamics. (English) Zbl 0614.76124

I. Shih-Liu, I. Müller and T. Ruggeri [(*) Ann. Phys. 169, 191-219 (1986)] proposed a relativistic formulation of extended thermodynamics which takes as independent variables the fourteen fields defined by the particle-flux four-vector and the energy-momentum tensor. In the present paper, the authors investigate the classical non- relativistic limit of this theory and analyze systematically the relations between relativistic and non-relativistic variables,and relativistic and non-relativistic constitutive functions. The most relevant and unexpected result of the paper is that the relativistic dynamic pressure, a quantity that is relativistically small in a non- reacting gas, becomes measurable in a reacting gas in which mass defect occurs. This is an original feature stemming from the formalism in (*), not found in previous formalisms of relativistic extended thermodynamics.
Reviewer: D.Jou


76Y05 Quantum hydrodynamics and relativistic hydrodynamics
82B35 Irreversible thermodynamics, including Onsager-Machlup theory
82B40 Kinetic theory of gases in equilibrium statistical mechanics


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