
Kurt Gödel in sharper focus. (Czech) Zbl 0616.01011

[For the review of the English original, cf. Math. Intell. 6, No.4, 9-17 (1984; Zbl 0575.01009).] This translation has been supplemented in several places by very recent material communicated to the translator by the author. There are 4 photographs: Kurt Gödel in 1939; the Gödel villa in Brno (Brünn in German); a page from Gödel’s first exercise book; and Gödel’s high school report from the German-language Staats- Realgymnasium for the academic year 1916-1917 showing a ”good” grading in mathematics, in constrast to ”very good” for everything else.


01A70 Biographies, obituaries, personalia, bibliographies
01A60 History of mathematics in the 20th century

Biographic References:

Gödel, K.


Zbl 0575.01009