
Convergence of the method of elastic solutions in the theory of thin shells on an elastic foundation. (English. Russian original) Zbl 0617.73060

Mosc. Univ. Mech. Bull. 40, No. 1, 37-40 (1985); translation from Vestn. Mosk. Univ., Ser. I 1985, No. 1, 102-104 (1985).
The author proves the convergence of the iterative process defined by the method of elastic solutions, in the theory of thin-walled elastic-plastic shells with an elastic foundation. An approximate method for taking accont of compressibility of the material, based on the assumption that the generalized Poisson’s ratio is constant, is proposed.


74K15 Membranes
45L05 Theoretical approximation of solutions to integral equations


Zbl 0224.73049