Vardeman, S.; Meeden, G. Admissible estimators for the total of a stratified population that employ prior information. (English) Zbl 0621.62012 Ann. Stat. 12, 675-684 (1984). Consider a population containing N units, labeled 1,2,...,N, where y is the real variate of a characteristic attached to each unit, the problem is to estimate the population total T. Suppose this population to be stratified into strata 1,2,...,J. The authors propose two estimators, where one of them is considered under the situation where a priori beliefs about likely stratum memberships of all units are exchangeable, and the other is where they are not exchangeable. They prove that these estimators are admissible, using the techniques of the second author and M. Ghosh [ibid. 11, 296-305 (1983; Zbl 0508.62012); see also ibid. 9, 846-852 (1981; Zbl 0472.62013)], and they also prove that the sampling strategies associated with these estimators are uniformly admissible. Reviewer: H.-J.Chang MSC: 62D05 Sampling theory, sample surveys 62C15 Admissibility in statistical decision theory 62F15 Bayesian inference Keywords:admissible estimators; stratified population; prior information; Bayes estimator; pseudo-Bayes estimator; uniform admissibility; population total; sampling strategies Citations:Zbl 0508.62012; Zbl 0472.62013 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI