
Sur un problème extrémal en arithmétique. (On an extremal problem in arithmetic). (French) Zbl 0622.10030

Ann. Inst. Fourier 37, No. 2, 1-18 (1987); corrigendum ibid. 50, No. 1, 317-319 (2000).
Let \(F_{\alpha}(n)=\sum (d_{i+1}/d_ i-1)^{\alpha}\), where \(d_ i\) runs through the sequence of divisors of n in their natural order. Erdős had conjectured that, for any fixed \(\alpha >1\), (i) \(F_{\alpha}(n)\) is bounded on an infinite sequence of values n, and (ii) \(F_{\alpha}(n)\) is bounded uniformly for all values n of the form \(n=k!\), \(n=[1,2,...,k]\) and \(n=p_ 1...p_ k,\) where \(p_ i\) denotes the i-th prime. (i) was recently proved by M. D. Vose [J. Number Theory 19, 233-238 (1984; Zbl 0543.10031)].
In the present paper the author proves Erdős’ conjecture in its strong version (ii), and in fact a generalization of it. The proof is different from Vose’s. The author first reduces the problem to that of estimating the number of divisors of n in short intervals near \(\sqrt{n}\). He then applies Fourier techniques to obtain the required estimates for integers n that are of the above form.
Reviewer: A.Hildebrand


11N37 Asymptotic results on arithmetic functions
11K65 Arithmetic functions in probabilistic number theory
11A05 Multiplicative structure; Euclidean algorithm; greatest common divisors


Zbl 0543.10031


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