
An extension of Fuglede-Putnam theorem for \(w\)-hyponormal operators. (English) Zbl 1524.47030

Summary: In this paper, we prove the following: assume that either (i) \(T^*\) is \(w\)-hyponormal and \(S\) is \(w\)-hyponormal such that \(\ker(T^*)\subset\ker(T)\) and \(\ker(S)\subset\ker(S^*)\) or (ii) \(T^*\) is \(p\)-hyponormal or log-hyponormal and \(S\) is \(w\)-hyponormal such that \(\ker(S)\subset\ker(S^*)\) or (iii) \(T^*\) is an injective \(w\)-hyponormal and \(S\) is a dominant holds. Then the pair \((T,S)\) satisfies the Fuglede-Putnam theorem. Also, other related results are given.


47B20 Subnormal operators, hyponormal operators, etc.
47A10 Spectrum, resolvent
47A11 Local spectral properties of linear operators


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