Topolewska, Maria On the degree of convergence of Borel and Euler means of trigonometric series. (English) Zbl 0625.42004 Čas. Pěstování Mat. 112, 225-232 (1987). The rates of pointwise convergence for Borel and Euler means of Fourier series of \(2\pi\)-periodic functions of bounded variation are estimated. Some analogous estimates concerning the convergence of these means of conjugate series are also presented. MSC: 42A20 Convergence and absolute convergence of Fourier and trigonometric series 42A50 Conjugate functions, conjugate series, singular integrals Keywords:Borel means; rate of convergence; Euler means; Fourier series; estimates; conjugate series × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI EuDML