
Exploring matrix generation strategies in isogeometric analysis. (English) Zbl 1356.74209

Floater, Michael (ed.) et al., Mathematical methods for curves and surfaces. 8th international conference, MMCS 2012, Oslo, Norway, June 28 – July 3, 2012. Revised selected papers. Berlin: Springer (ISBN 978-3-642-54381-4/pbk). Lecture Notes in Computer Science 8177, 364-382 (2014).
Summary: An important step in simulation via isogeometric analysis (IGA) is the assembly step, where the coefficients of the final linear system are generated. Typically, these coefficients are integrals of products of shape functions and their derivatives. Similarly to the finite element analysis (FEA), the standard choice for integral evaluation in IGA is Gaussian quadrature. Recent developments propose different quadrature rules, that reduce the number of quadrature points and weights used. We experiment with the existing methods for matrix generation. Furthermore we propose a new, quadrature-free approach, based on interpolation of the geometry factor and fast look-up operations for values of B-spline integrals. Our method builds upon the observation that exact integration is not required to achieve the optimal convergence rate of the solution. In particular, it suffices to generate the linear system within the order of accuracy matching the approximation order of the discretization space. We demonstrate that the best strategy is one that follows the above principle, resulting in expected accuracy and improved computational time.
For the entire collection see [Zbl 1283.65002].


74S05 Finite element methods applied to problems in solid mechanics
65D30 Numerical integration
74K10 Rods (beams, columns, shafts, arches, rings, etc.)


G+Smo; pchip; GeoPDEs