Ginzburg, Viktor L.; Gürel, Başak Z. Hyperbolic fixed points and periodic orbits of Hamiltonian diffeomorphisms. (English) Zbl 1408.53112 Duke Math. J. 163, No. 3, 565-590 (2014). Summary: We prove that, for a certain class of closed monotone symplectic manifolds, any Hamiltonian diffeomorphism with a hyperbolic fixed point must necessarily have infinitely many periodic orbits. Among the manifolds in this class are complex projective spaces, some Grassmannians, and also certain product manifolds such as the product of a projective space with a symplectically aspherical manifold of low dimension. A key to the proof of this theorem is the fact that the energy required for a Floer connecting trajectory to approach an iterated hyperbolic orbit and cross its fixed neighborhood is bounded away from zero by a constant independent of the order of iteration. This result, combined with certain properties of the quantum product specific to the above class of manifolds, implies the existence of infinitely many periodic orbits. Cited in 2 ReviewsCited in 13 Documents MSC: 53D40 Symplectic aspects of Floer homology and cohomology 37J10 Symplectic mappings, fixed points (dynamical systems) (MSC2010) 70H12 Periodic and almost periodic solutions for problems in Hamiltonian and Lagrangian mechanics × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI arXiv Euclid References: [1] M. Batoréo, On hyperbolic points and periodic orbits of symplectomorphisms , preprint, [math.SG]. 1310.1974v2 [2] B. Bramham and H. Hofer, First steps towards a symplectic dynamics , Surveys in Differential Geometry 17 (2012), 127-178. · Zbl 1382.53023 [3] M. Chance, V. Ginzburg, and B. Gürel, Action-index relations for perfect Hamiltonian diffeomorphisms , J. Symplectic Geom. 11 (2013), 449-474. · Zbl 1285.53078 · doi:10.4310/JSG.2013.v11.n3.a6 [4] B. Collier, E. 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