Kazhdan, David Cuspidal geometry of p-adic groups. (English) Zbl 0634.22009 J. Anal. Math. 47, 1-36 (1986). Let F be a nonarchimedean local field of characteristic 0, \({\mathbb{G}}\) be a reductive F-group, and \(G={\mathbb{G}}(F)\). Recall that an irreducible representation of a compact group is necessarily finite-dimensional, and that the character is a finite sum of diagonal matrix coefficients. In general, matrix coefficients of irreducible discrete series representations satisfy standard orthogonality relations. From this, one gets orthogonality relations for the characters of the irreducible representations of compact groups. However, the character of an irreducible infinite-dimensional representation \(\pi\) of a non-compact reductive group G is first a distribution. By theorems of Harish-Chandra [Queen’s Papers Pure Appl. Math. 48, 281-347 (1978; Zbl 0433.22012)], such a distribution is given by integration against a locally integrable function \(\theta_{\pi}\), which is locally constant (analytic for real groups) on the regular set. One of the main results of this paper is that the \(\theta_{\pi}\) satisfy certain orthogonality relations, for \(\pi\) tempered, involving integration over the elliptic set of G, with respect to a measure arising from the Weyl integration formula. This result is conjectured in Harish- Chandra (notes by van-Dijk) Harmonic analysis on reductive p-adic groups [Lect. Notes Math. 162, (1970; Zbl 0202.411)]. The tools developed are important in their own right. In particular, detailed analysis of various spaces of functions and orbital integrals is developed, which leads to the existence of “pseudo-coefficients”. The book Représentations des groupes réductifs sur un corps local [Herrmann, 1984; Zbl 0544.00007] edited by J. Bernstein, P. Deligne, D. Kazhdan and M.-F. Vignéras, contains the result for GL(n), which is then used in proving a certain correspondence exists between discrete series representations over GL(m,D) and GL(n,F), where D is a central division algebra of F of dimension \(d^ 2\), and \(n=md\). Let R(G) be the Grothendieck group spanned by classes of smooth irreducible representations of G, and \(R_ I(G)\) the subgroup generated by the representations induced from a proper parabolic subgroup. Let \(A(G)\subset C_ c^{\infty}(G)\) be the subspace of functions f such that \(\int_{\Omega}f(\omega)d\omega =0\) for any regular nonelliptic conjugacy class \(\Omega\) of G. Let \(J(G)\subset C_ c^{\infty}(G)\) be the subspace of those f for which every invariant distribution vanishes. The author shows that isomorphisms exist between the spaces \(R(G)/R_ I(G)\cong S\cong A(G)/J(G)\). Here S is a certain space of functions on the elliptic set of G described by Harish-Chandra in terms of germs via the Fourier transform on a Lie algebra. The first isomorphism is induced by restriction of characters to the elliptic set. The second isomorphism is given by the map \(f\mapsto \check f\), where \(f\in A(G)\subset C_ c^{\infty}(G)\) and \v{f}(t)\(=\int_{G}f(xtx^{-1})dx\) for t elliptic is, up to normalization, an orbital integral. Results applied include the theorems of Harish-Chandra, the Trace Paley-Wiener theorem for reductive p-adic groups [see the second review below] and M.-F. Vignéras [J. Fac. Sci., Univ. Tokyo, Sect. I A 28, 945-961 (1981; Zbl 0499.22011)]. Thus the space S is described as the image of the subspace A(G) of \(C_ c^{\infty}(G)\). The author then extends the result to the analogous subspace of the Schwartz space of G, which contains all matrix coefficients of the discrete series by the Selberg principle. The above isomorphisms then give the existence of pseudo-coefficients for discrete series representations. The orthogonality relations for tempered representations over the elliptic set are a corollary of this analysis combined with the theorem of Harish-Chandra \(\{\) cf. van Dijk notes\(\}\) that characters of discrete series representations are given by orbital integrals of matrix coefficients on the elliptic set. A result proved in an appendix is essentially that the characters of tempered admissible representations are dense in the space of all invariant distributions on G. Precisely, it is shown that if \(f\in C_ c^{\infty}(G)\) is such that \(<\pi,f>=0\) for all irreducible representations \(\pi\) of G, then \(\int_{\Omega}f(\omega)d\omega =0\) for any regular conjugacy class \(\Omega\). The proof of this result involves both local harmonic analysis on G and global results, e.g., the simple version of the trace formula. The introduction outlines the results and analysis of the paper, and ends with the conjecture that orbital integrals of functions in A(G) may be expanded on the elliptic set in terms of the characters of those irreducible tempered representations whose class in R(G) is not in the subgroup \(R_ I(G)\). Reviewer: C.D.Keys Cited in 8 ReviewsCited in 74 Documents MSC: 22E35 Analysis on \(p\)-adic Lie groups 22E50 Representations of Lie and linear algebraic groups over local fields 43A80 Analysis on other specific Lie groups Keywords:nonarchimedean local field; reductive F-group; irreducible discrete series representations; orthogonality relations; irreducible representations of compact groups; Weyl integration formula; Harish- Chandra; orbital integrals; Grothendieck group; Fourier transform; Schwartz space; Selberg principle; pseudo-coefficients; tempered representations Citations:Zbl 0433.22012; Zbl 0202.411; Zbl 0544.00007; Zbl 0499.22011 × Cite Format Result Cite Review PDF Full Text: DOI References: [1] Bernstein, J.; Deligne, P., Le “Centre” de Bernstein (1984), Paris: Hermann, Paris [2] Bernstein, J.; Zelevinsky, Z., Induced representations of reductive p-adic groups I, Ann. Sci. Ec. Norm. 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