
Representations of groups over close local fields. (English) Zbl 0634.22010

Let F and F’ be nonarchimedean local fields, with rings of integers O and O’, respectively, and \(P\subset O\) and P’\(\subset O'\) the maximal ideals. Say that F and F’ are m-close if the quotient rings \(O/P^ m\) and \(O'/P^{'m}\) are isomorphic. Let \({\mathbb{G}}\) be a reductive Z-group, assumed split for convenience. For any ring A, set \(G_ A={\mathbb{G}}(A)\). For any positive integer l, let \(A_ l\) be the quotient \(O/P^ l\), and let \(K_ l(F)\) be the congruence subgroup of \(G_ O mod P^ l\). Identify \(G_{A_ l}\) with \(G_ O/K_ l(F)\). Let \(H_ l(G,K)\) be the Hecke algebra of \(K_ l(F)\)-biivariant measures, under convolution, on G.
The main theorem is that given a local nonarchimedean field F and a positive integer l, there exists an \(m\geq l\) such that, if F’ is m-close to F, then the natural morphism \(H_ l(G,F)\to H_ l(G,F')\) is an algebra isomorphism. As a corollary, if F is a local field of positive characteristic, and l is a positive integer, then there exists a local field F’ of characteristic zero such that the Hecke algebras \(H_ l(G,F)\) and \(H_ l(G,F')\) are isomorphic. Since irreducible \(H_ l\)- modules are in one-to-one correspondence with irreducible representations of G which have non-zero \(K_ l\)-fixed vectors, this result can be used, for example, to extend results proved for groups over fields of characteristic zero, to groups over fields of positive characteristic.
The present paper contains the following application. In the article reviewed above, the author shows for groups over fields of characteristic zero, that the characters of tempered admissible representations of G are dense in the space of all invariant distributions on G. The corresponding result for groups over fields of positive characteristic is shown using a result of Bernstein: The following are equivalent. (1) Suppose h is an element of the Hecke algebra H(G) for which \(<\pi,h>=0\) for all irreducible representations \(\pi\) of G. Then h is annihilated by all invariant distributions on G. (2) For each positive l, the algebra \(H_ l\) has the property, that if \(h\in H_ l\) has trace zero in every irreducible \(H_ l\)-module, then h is in the span \([H_ l,H_ l]\) of all commutators in \(H_ l\).
Reviewer: C.D.Keys


22E35 Analysis on \(p\)-adic Lie groups
22E50 Representations of Lie and linear algebraic groups over local fields
43A80 Analysis on other specific Lie groups
11S80 Other analytic theory (analogues of beta and gamma functions, \(p\)-adic integration, etc.)
22E20 General properties and structure of other Lie groups
43A05 Measures on groups and semigroups, etc.


Zbl 0634.22009
Full Text: DOI


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