
On the Koszul property of toric face rings. (English) Zbl 1396.13014

Summary: Toric face rings are a generalization of the concepts of affine monoid rings and Stanley-Reisner rings. We consider several properties which imply Koszulness for toric face rings over a field \(k\). Generalizing works of Laudal, Sletsjøe and Herzog et al., graded Betti numbers of \(k\) over the toric face rings are computed, and a characterization of Koszul toric face rings is provided. We investigate a conjecture suggested by Römer about the sufficient condition for the Koszul property. The conjecture is inspired by Fröberg’s theorem on the Koszulness of quadratic squarefree monomial ideals. Finally, it is proved that initially Koszul toric face rings are affine monoid rings.


13D02 Syzygies, resolutions, complexes and commutative rings
14M25 Toric varieties, Newton polyhedra, Okounkov bodies




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