
More on cancellative semigroups on manifolds. (English) Zbl 0635.22003

The paper deals with cancellative topological semigroups which, as topological spaces, are connected, paracompact, finite dimensional and locally Euclidean. D. R. Brown and R. S. Houston [Semigroup Forum 35, 279-302 (1987; Zbl 0626.22001)] proved that such a semigroup S can be locally embedded into a simply connected Lie group G(S). This embedding is achieved by constructing local groups of one sided quotients. In the same paper Brown and Houston use the explicit construction of this embedding to provide the semigroup with an analytic structure and give some functorial properties of the semigroups in question. The present paper shows how to obtain the analytic structure of the semigroup and various functorial properties using only the topological and algebraic properties of the Brown-Houston local embedding. The main step is to equip the direct product \(S\times G(S)\) with a topology for which both projections, \(S\times G(S)\to S\) and \(S\times G(S)\to G(S)\) are Hausdorff sheaves of topological spaces. From these sheaves various invariants are constructed which, in the future, may be helpful in deciding whether S can be embedded globally into G(S).
Reviewer: J.Hilgert


22A15 Structure of topological semigroups
22E05 Local Lie groups


Zbl 0626.22001


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